Pleasure Garden
Horse Form Profile
Place / No / Draw |
Date / Going /
Distance / Class |
Time + Course Horse + Weight Jockey / Trainer |
Verdict | Starting price |
4th 4 |
20th Jun 2023 Good 2m 0f 213y Class 5 |
10st 13lb |
Well beaten after racing too freely on handicap hurdle debut in February but kept on well to make winning chase debut at Plumpton (2m1f, good) in April then ran well in defeat behind progressive rival at Fontwell (2m2f, good) last month; would have something to prove on ground slower than good to soft but, otherwise, he's a major player. |
5/2 |
2nd 7 |
18th May 2023 Good 2m 1f 165y Class 5 |
10st 9lb |
Four Flat wins in 2020; little to show over hurdles for current yard but made a winning chase debut at Plumpton last month; may have been fortunate but jumped soundly and only 4lb higher; should play a leading part. |
7/2 |
1st 6 |
9th Apr 2023 Good 2m 0f 214y Class 5 |
10st 9lb |
Four Flat wins in 2020 (for Sir Mark Prescott) but no joy since; well beaten on handicap hurdle debut latest and lot to prove now chasing. |
16/1 |
9th 12 |
20th Feb 2023 Good To Soft 2m 0f 0y Class 5 |
10st 8lb |
Respectable efforts in 2m Flat handicaps in his last two starts and he ran well to a point in a Fontwell novice hurdle (2m1f, good) three runs back; still unexposed in this sphere and interesting to see how he figures in the market on his handicap hurdle debut. |
10/1 |
5th 7 (4) |
1st Feb 2023 Standard To Slow 1m 7f 218y Class 5 |
9st 3lb |
in touch with leaders |
8/1 |